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Our Beliefs

We believe... 


1.       That PebbleCreek pickleball is for everyone. Engaging and involving more members will benefit the entire club. 

2.       That new members should receive a warm welcome upon joining and learn how to become involved in club play, networking, and service opportunities. A welcome committee will establish a process to embrace them. 

3.       That both new and experienced players can benefit from a comprehensive player development program. 

4.       That communication is key to everyone enjoying our club, the events and the facilities. We will deliver regular email updates, periodic surveys, board meetings with time allocated for questions and comments, and improvements to the website. 

5.       That the Board needs to first seek its members' ideas, concerns and feedback on current activities. When we all work together, we will go farther faster. 

6.       That technology can be better utilized to enhance communication, court scheduling, and make real time court availability visible. 

7.         That pickleball is fun!   

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